Soloist David Huffmire in Sleeping Beauty | Photo by Beau Pearson

To Soloist David Huffmire, it was a typical morning as he got up for the day reflecting on the his previous-night’s performance and concentrating on making sure the next one was just as good. But it was anything but a typical day. Contracts for the 2024-25 season were being handed out and little did he know, his contract would include a promotion to join the ranks of Principal Artist.

“We had just debuted Swan Lake and I was so focused that when I saw the flowers in my dressing room, I wasn’t exactly sure what it meant,” said Huffmire. He gave them a second glass, but then continued on his way to morning rehearsal, when he started getting odd looks from one of the Rehearsal Directors, who told him he needed to go back and open the envelope accompanying the flowers.

He raced back down to his room to see what was in store for him. “I read through the contract like 10 times, but I couldn’t find the rank, so I peeked my head out of my dressing room and asked Katlyn [Addison] to help me find what I was missing,” he continued. “Finally, it was right there in bold letters, right in front of us and we shared a big hug.”

The first thing he did was call his mom. “I was able to tell her what had happened through a lot of tears. My dad joined the conversation and we shared a beautiful moment,” Huffmire said. “It's freeing to be promoted to Principal. In a way, you are becoming a master of your craft and now you know that the artistic staff trusts that you can take the rest of this journey.”

“I am a forever student and I will never not work hard,” he says. “It makes me approach the next season as almost more of a challenge and higher expectation than I’ve ever had for myself before, but I don’t fear that. In fact, I look forward to further mastering my own craft and teaching my students as we work to make beautiful art.”

Written by Dana Rimington.

See David in the upcoming 2024-25 Season productions by SUBSCRIBING TODAY.